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Chiquita Road Zinfandel Vineyard
Zinfandel Cluster
Zinfandel Dry Creek Valley
Mill Creek Rd. Cabernet Sauvignon Cluster
John arrives for the harvest
You see these bins...?
Tools of the Trade
One last harvest
TL positioning the truck
1TL in Dry Creek Valley
Picking Mill Creek
John picking Lencioni
John picking Cabernet
TL picking Cabernet
Under the canopy
Jason picking grapes
David at Mill Creek
David and Cabernet
David empties grape tray
David in the vineyard picking
You see these grapes???
David Scheidt at Lencioni
John Scheidt sorting MOG
TL discussing with John
Cabernet Sauvignon in bin
Sorting Cabernet
Cabernet Close up
Jason and John over a Macro Bin
1TL of Grapes
John, Jason and TL sorting
The Zen of Sorting
All Three Sorting
Jason...close up
Jason working a punchdown
Punchdown device
Sea Creature or Punchdown?
Press Tank
The first results of 2014
Grape to Glass Winemaking